Established in 1938 as A.T.C.U.A
The Inaugural Meeting of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Umpires Association was held at the AMP Building, room 512 at 7:30pm on the 1st September 1938.
Mr. G.C. Paterson of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association presided and outlined his association and reasons for calling this meeting. Mr. J.B. Smith, Hon Secretary ATCA was also present and acted as minute secretary.
As the meeting progressed Mr. Paterson outlined his vision for the future and put forward a proposed Constitution for the A.T.C.U.A. Of the seventeen active umpires present it was unanimously carried which in turn led to the formation of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Umpires Association.
And thus ATCUSA was born.
What happens at ATCUSA
Matches in the ATCA competition are played on turf wickets. Senior two day and one day competitions are played on Saturdays and junior and women's competitions are played on Sundays.
A new Adelaide Turf umpire can expect to be umpiring junior cricket on a Sunday afternoon (Under 17 and Under 15) or senior cricket on a Saturday afternoon, depending on their availability.
Adelaide Turf umpires can become members of the Adelaide Turf Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association (ATCUSA), attend monthly meetings and training sessions as they progress and are paid cash for the matches in which they are appointed.
All new umpires receive free on field and off field shirts, a hat and a name badge.
Graham Altree
Robert Ball
Phillip Cappelluti
Barry Droegemueller
Doug French
Gregory Gade
Geoffrey Gordon
Malcolm Green
Neville Greenwood
Ken Greenwood
Dean Groves
Lindsay Jenkenson
Robert Kelly
William King
Robert Maloney
Mick Masters
Peter McCarthy
David Parsons
Klaus Plumeier
Phillip Rickards
William Ryan
Wayne Singh
Peter Smith
Michael Stanley
David Steinway
Kevin Stephenson
William Stone
Brenton Whittlesea